While I let my first novel sit for a while before rereading it (again) so I can perform another round of edits before querying it, I have started writing book two. As with my first novel, it is a psychological suspense story with lots of twists and a rather complex plot. The short version right now is that it’s about a woman who mysteriously vanishes. What follows is the uncovering of shocking secrets and deceit. The long version will be written, hopefully by spring of 2022.

Since completing my first novel—can’t believe I am able to write that sentence, as I really felt that first book would never end—I have continued to learn as much as I can about the craft of writing, as it is a craft that must be learned. Everything book one taught me, along with all the workshops, writing classes and the invaluable mentorship, has helped me start this second novel with more confidence than the first one. This time around I am writing with a clearer idea of where my story is going, and while I will never be a true plotter (I like the freedom of allowing my story and characters to move the story in the direction they choose), I have planned this novel out much more than book one. In fact, with this story, the ending came to me first. This may sound crazy, but I had a vision in my head of the closing scene, as if I were watching it on a movie screen. I knew that was the ending for a novel, so from there I planned my story backwards, asking myself constantly how the story ended at that point.

I shared the idea with a friend who loved it and encouraged me to go forward. What has evolved is a very twisty plot that will need unraveling with care to ensure I keep all the threads in order. It is both exciting and a bit frightening.

With my first novel, I spent weeks developing my characters and deciding on names, which to me are very important. For this novel, the characters came to me quicker, and once I had what ‘felt’ like their correct names, I started writing.

While I wait to begin querying book one, I’ll post updates on my writing process for book two.

So far I am five chapters in.